- What are the most essential skills needed to produce a basic and essential deliverable for the chosen passion project?
- Ex: Blogging = Ideas, Research, Writing, Editing, Publish
- How can you gather the necessary resources for these essential deliverables in a free or cheap way in under 20 hours
- Most of you will have some kind of skill in a certain file or method that you can leverage in order to learn skills. In addition, you will most likely have some level of skill in your passion. However, if you're starting from scratch you can also
- YouTube videos, blog posts, books, people that you know who can help with these resources
- Coursera, Skillshare, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, free certification courses for your specific skill set
- The idea/goal of this skill-building section is to make your skills strong enough to create 3-5 high-quality work samples with.
- Map out which skills you definitely will not learning during this time - do this so that you can prioritize the specific